About Daniel Eastman

My Story

The question “what does it mean to be alive” has been my compelling instigation for living. In searching for an answer, this quest has instilled a profound reverence for all life. I believe in the worth and equality of all. Much of my life has been applied to studying the knights of the medieval world and practicing their martial way. Through this I have come to admire their noble spirit and chivalrous ideals. After somber self-reflection and seeing an absence of these virtues in our society I am inspired to make a difference.

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Conquering others takes force, conquering yourself is true strength.
- Lao-Tzu

Today we are facing a crisis.  Who am I, how do I want to live?  These are questions we ask of ourselves and our society.  If we don’t define this ourselves, it will be done to us.  Society will tell us who we must be, but is that our true self? 

Constantly bombarded with images of what we should be leaves us uncertain of the kind of person we want to be.  As these images don’t align with our true selves we feel conflicted, emotionally disconnected, and insecure. 

These insecurities are triggered by the people in our lives, from intimate relations to total strangers, and in fear we lash out at them.  Misunderstanding this we attempt to exert power without regard for the worth of life.  In this way we perpetuate a society of abuse, harassment, and exploitation.

This is the crisis.   And it is within us all.

Yet there is hope.  We can change ourselves and thus begin the movement that will change our society.  We can, and we will, fight for our greatest good.  By shining our light into our own darkness and confronting what we find there we can understand our emotions, overcome our fear, live as our highest selves, and support the people in our lives on their own heroic journey.